Remember our National Anthem (which has been creating a lot of heat these days)? Punjab, Sindh, Gujaratha, Maratha, Dravida, Utkala, Benga, the last word was taught to us as "Venga"( note those exta "h"s? pronounce them without and it would be like "Tata") Somehow the 'ba in Bengali seems to have missed the cross or dot that almost all other indian languages in Devanagari script. The reason for the mix up may lie in that in Bengali lipi B ('ba) and V ('va) is written in the same way. Sun, have not heard anybody say "begitable". I have worked in WB for some time and sorry to say this Mr. Now the part were B and V in Bengali is mixed up. However I have traveled the wide world and have observed quaint idiosyncrasies in spoken language. I am not a linguist and they may have a valid explanation for Mr.

Mr Sun's post could have been handled in a better manner than getting into a north - south - east - west tussle. My only reason for this post is that we Indians seems to have a lot of acrimony stored in us against other States. Linguistics - Bengali "V" and "B" I am new here and before anybody start spewing acrimony let me say that I am from southern most part of India - Kerala.